10 signs that you are lacking vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential to the body. It is provided through the diet, particularly through fruits and vegetables which contain large quantities of it. Discover the 10 signs of a vitamin C deficiency.

You are often tired

You are often tired

Vitamin C provides the body with the necessary energy.

A lack of vitamin C causes a drop in energy, fatigue and concentration problems.

A freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning and increased consumption of vegetables at lunch and dinner will allow you to regain your form and energy. Otherwise, it is preferable to consult your doctor.

You get sick easily

You get sick easily

A vitamin C deficiency increases the risk of microbes and diseases. Contributing to the maintenance of the immune system, it should therefore be consumed more during the fall and winter periods. However, it is often during these periods that we consume the least amount.

You lack appetite

You lack appetite

Vitamin C is a vitamin involved in appetite.

A lack of vitamin C reduces appetite, which leads to even more fatigue, which is already very present because a lack of vitamin C causes a drop in energy. Foods rich in vitamin C must therefore be consumed.

You lose weight

You lose weight

A vitamin C deficiency can also result in a more or less significant weight loss.

Taking foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and green vegetables, helps to bring back the appetite and therefore limits weight loss.

You suffer from joint pain

You suffer from joint pain

Vitamin C ensures a good synthesis of collagen, which allows the optimal functioning of the joints.

In case of deficiency, joint disorders may occur with an inflammatory syndrome such as tendonitis, tears, or sprains. In addition, the risk of arthritis is increased.

You have dry skin

You have dry skin

Vitamin C brings hydration and suppleness to the skin by allowing an optimal production of collagen, hence the fact that many cosmetics contain it. However, the contribution by creams is insufficient, the contribution must come from the interior, in particular by the means of the food.

You heal slowly

You heal slowly

Vitamin C allows for better tissue repair thanks to good collagen synthesis. A slow healing process may indicate a vitamin C deficiency.

The best thing to do is to consult your doctor because other pathologies can also be the cause of delayed healing.

You are irritable

You are irritable

Vitamin C helps maintain a good level of energy. In case of fatigue, irritability can quickly appear. If you feel permanently “on the nerves”, it is recommended to do a vitamin C assay through a blood test to possibly increase its intake.

You are bleeding from the nose

You are bleeding from the nose

The lack of vitamin C weakens the blood vessels which, weakened, are more prone to rupture. This translates clinically into bleeding from the mucous membranes of the nose and gums. Supplementation can restore the balance quickly.

You are anemic

You are anemic

Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron.

In case of vitamin C deficiency, iron will then be less well fixed in the body and anemia may appear. Combining foods rich in both iron and vitamin C allows good absorption of both. If necessary, dietary supplements will then be considered.

Also Read: Why are we lean? Because we are less hungry and we burn more calories

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